Statement Rules

In AlarmBiller, a statement is a past-due notice.  This section will help you manage statements and late fees.

Editing Statement Rules


Edit the fields in the "Options" section.

Charge Late Fee/Annual Interest Rate

Select the checkbox if you want to charge your customers a late fee or annual interest rate (specify what percentage).

Late Fee Item Code

Use the drop-down box to choose a late fee item code. To create late fee item codes, go to the “Items” list within the Setup Table.

Include Unapplied Cash and Credits

Select the checkbox to account for any open credits or unapplied payments.


Edit the fields in the "Setup" section.

Min Balance

The minimum balance a customer must have in order to trigger a statement.

Min Days

The minimum number of days an invoice must be past due in order to trigger a statement.

Min Late Days

The minimum number of days an invoice must be past due in order to trigger a late fee.

Min Late Fee

The minimum late fee amount that will be charged to a customer.

Message Options

These messages will appear on each statement sent to customers based on the number of days past due. You can edit each of the messages as needed.


Click “Save” in the upper right corner to update.