Employee Timesheet

On the Employee Timesheet a User can view their work weeks in descending order. Click the arrows to the left of Work Week to view the Shfts for the week. The Shifts are in descending order, so any open Shift is on top. Individually items in a Shift are in ascending order.

Payroll Approval

No Employee Approval

Yelllow boxes with a checkmark inside indicate that an employee has not approved the Pay Period. If a Manager closes a Pay Period without the Employee providing approval this box will still show and Exported will say 

Employee Approval

Green boxes with a checkmark inside indicate than an employee has approved the Pay Period..


The comment button has a green background for comments that are resolved or that do not require Manager approval. The Shift is also highlighted in green.


If a comment needs to be reviewed the comment button has a red background. The Employee, Work Week and Shift are also highlighted red.

Edit Button

The Pencil button next to Task means that the the Task has been edited.