Auditing Physical Inventory

The Inventory feature allows you to audit the physical inventory in a warehouse.  You can’t perform a physical inventory audit that happened before accounting lockdown date or before the last scheduled physical inventory date.  Create a new physical inventory count from the warehouse view.   




The “On Hand” and “Detail Note” columns are the only editable fields.  You have the option to either populate the “On Hand” data manually or use the “Populate On Hand” option (this auto populates the on hand amount using the IStock data).  The red outlines indicate that the field needs data.  Adjust the On Hand column as you are auditing, add comments as needed, and save.   






After completing the count, you will see a variance summary showing any discrepancies between the In Stock and On Hand data.   






When you save the count, you will be sent back to warehouse where you will see that the parts in the warehouse have been adjusted per the results of the count.  You can now export the results to excel where you can print or send to the individual performing to use (print, fill out by hand, and manually change on hand quantities).