
Navigate to the Preferences page.

Preferences have two sections: Payroll Settings and Company Preferences.

Company Preferences

Select the Company Preferences tab.

Complete the fields on this page with your company information and then click Save.

When you click Save a green box appears, indicating that the Save was succesful.

Payroll Settings

Naviate to Setup - Preferences and select Payroll Settings

The Payroll Settings screen looks like this:

Time Clocking

Enforce Geo Location

Requires location tracking to clock in or out.

Shift Minute Rounding Value

Provides the option to select the increment for shifting rounding or to not round at all.

Allow Overtime Calculation

Indicates whether or not overtime will be calculated. If Overtime is cacluated the options will expand.

Overtime Factor

The multiple that overtime is paid based on the regular rate.

Double Overtime Factor

The multiple that double overtime is paid based on the regular rate.

Allow Weekly Overtime

Option to pay overtime. If Weekly Overtime is allowed the options expand.

Weekly payable hours required before overtime is paid

Amount of hours in a week that need to accumulate before overtime is paid.

Allow Daily Overtime

Set the number of hours in a day where overtime pay begins to calculate. If Allow Daily Overtime is selected the options expand.

Daily payable hours required before overtime is paid

Set the number of hours in a day where double overtime pay begins to calculate.

Allow Consecutive Work Days Overtime

Option to limit the number of consecutive days that overtime is paid on. When checked the options expand.

Consecutive Work Days (8 hrs/day) per Week for full day overtime

Each consecutive day(s) must contain a shift totaling at leas 8 hours/day. Shifts belong to the work day that the shift was started. Individual shifts that span multiple days do not count as multiple days worked.

Hours on last consecutive day for Double overtime

The number of hours

Appointment Defaults

Dispatch Code

Select the default Pay Code for dispatch.

Arrival Code

Select the default Pay Code for arrival.

Payroll Provider & Export

Require Employee Approval

Option to require employees to approve their time for a pay period. If necessary, a manager can override.

Default Payroll Provider

Select your payroll provider. If your payroll provider is not on the list, select Generic Payroll Export.

Detailed Payroll Export

Select Detailed Payroll Export if you want to see the Task Pay Codes in the Export. The default is to export the Regular, Overtime, Double Overtime, etc., which is what most companies will use.

Payroll Notification Job

Select this checkbox for notifications to be sent to specified parties for payroll notifications.

Payroll Company Number

The number that your Payroll Company uses as an identifier for your company.

Detailed Payroll Export

Select if you want to send a detailed Payroll Export to your Payroll Company that includes the Pay Code breakdown.

Payroll Notifcation Job

When a pay period ends, an email is sent to all Pay Group Managers. If Employee Approval is turned on then employees of the associated Pay Periods also receive and email to approve the Pay Period. Administrators do not receive the email.