Site Parts Tab

You can build  a parts list on the site level in this tab. 

Adding a Site Part

To add a part to this site, Click "Add Site Part" in the upper right corner.  

An "Add Parts" page will appear.  Check the boxes to the left of the part's name to choose which parts you would like to add.  if you would like to create a new part, select "Create Part" in the upper right corner, fill out the fields in the "New Part" page that appears and press save in the bottom right corner.  When you are done adding parts, click "Add Parts" in the bottom right corner.

Complete Fields

Complete the applicable fields for the part by clicking the blank space beneath each header.


Input the part's location.


Select the part's zone number from the dropdown box.

Install Date

Input the date this part was installed.

Removal Date

Input the date this part was removed if applicable.

Serial Number

input the part's serial number if applicable.


To view any documents attached to a part, click the book icon to the right of the part who's documents you'd like to view. 

Click the download button to the left of an attachment.  This will save a PDF of the attachment to your documents to view.

Deleting Parts

To delete a site part, click the trash icon to the right of the part you would like to delete.

Show Removed Site Parts

 To view removed site parts.  Check the "Show Removed Site Parts" box.  If you enter a date in the "Removal Date" field, this part will be classified as removed. 

*Note Deleted parts will not appear when checking this box.

Save Changes

Click "Save Changes" on the left side of the screen to update.