
Items are intangible products. For example, service calls, inspections, and monitoring would be considered “items”. Invoice Items are billed to customers.  Vendor Purchase Items are purchased from vendors (hyperlink to vendors). The following applies to both types of items.

Adding a New Item

Click “Create Item” at the top of the page.

Complete Fields

Complete the fields in the “Edit” box that appears.

Item Code

Enter a unique item code. This could be an abbreviation. The limit is 25 characters for this field.


Enter an item description. Customers will see this description on proposals, work orders, and invoices. This limit is 50 characters for this field.


These fields provide a way to categorize items for searching purposes. Choose a “Category” from the dropdown box then choose a “Sub-Category” to sort further. (See Categories)

GL Account

Each item needs to be assigned to a GL account. For further information please contact your accountant.

Default Rate

Input the amount you will charge customers for this item. This amount can be overridden on proposals, work orders, or invoices. (Enter “0” if the if there is no charge for this item).


Check this box if the item is taxable.

Recurring Item

Check this box if the item is recurring. For example, monitoring would be a recurring item.


Click update in the bottom right corner to save.