Invoices Tab

The “Invoices” tab shows a list of this customer's open invoices.

Show All Invoices

To show ALL invoices, including those with a zero balance, select the Show All Invoices checkbox on the right side of the page.

Generate Statement

To generate a statement of unpaid invoices, click Generate Statement on the right side of the page. Select if you would like to send this statement to the customer via Mail, Email, or Print.

Creating a Manual Invoice

You can create three types of invoices in AlarmBiller: manual invoices, work order invoices, and recurring invoices. This section covers how to create a manual invoice for the customer.

1. New Invoice

Click New Invoice on the right side of the page:

2. Fill Out Fields

Fill out the fields on the New Manual Invoice page. Some of these fields are pre-populated.

Invoice Number

AlarmBiller automatically generates a unique invoice number in increments of one.

PO Number

Enter the purchase order number if applicable.

Invoice Date

Enter the date to be listed on the invoice.

Due Date

Select the date the customer is required to pay the invoice before it is considered past due. This is based on the terms you have already set up for this customer, but you can override this by selecting a different date.

Customer Site

Select the site you would like to link this invoice to.

Sales Tax

Select tax for this invoice. This adjusts automatically when you choose the Customer Site but you can override this by selecting a different value from the dropdown box.


Select the term for this invoice from the dropdown box. (see terms) This automatically adjusts the Due Date field.


Select the customer's salesperson from the dropdown box. (see users)

Delivery Method

This field defaults to the delivery method selected on the customer manager page but can be overridden using the dropdown box.

3. Invoice Items/Parts

To add items/parts to the invoice, click on the respective tabs and complete the following steps. The same steps apply to parts and items.

a. Add Items

Click Add Items on the left side of the page. An Add Items page appears. Check the boxes on the left side of the items you want to add to the invoice. If you would like to create a new item, click Create Item in the upper right corner, complete the fields in the New Item page (see items) and click Save in the bottom right corner. When you are done adding items, click Add Items in the bottom right corner.

b. Assign to Site

Items are automatically assigned to the site you designated in the Customer Site field in step 2. To assign an item to a different site, select the linking icon to the right of the item you are re-assigning, select the site from the dropdown box, and click Assign in the bottom right corner.

c. Sort

To sort the order of the items on the invoice, use the arrows to the left of the item you would like to move.

4. Memo

If you would like to add a memo to this invoice, click the memo tab and input your message. This memo WILL appear on the invoice.

5. Save and Deliver

Click Save and Deliver in the upper right corner of the page to deliver the invoice now. The invoice will be delivered by the method selected in the Delivery Method field.

Note: If the delivery method is set to Print the invoice will not automatically download a pdf at this time.
You can print the invoice through the Invoice Details Page (see Print/Deliver in the Invoice Details Page Section Below).

6. Save

If you click Save, the invoice is saved but not delivered.

The Invoice Details Page appears.

Invoice Details Page

From the Customer Manager page, click the blue Invoice # hyperlink to the left of the invoice to view the Invoice Details Page.

A dashboard of information about the invoice appears:


Click Edit in the upper right corner of the page to edit the invoice.  Change desired fields, and click save in the upper right corner to update.


Click GL to view the general ledger entry for this invoice.


To print or deliver the invoice, click the print/deliver icon in the upper right corner of the page:

An Invoice/Credit Delivery Options Box appears.

If the invoice has not been delivered this box appears:


Click Preview to download a PDF file of the invoice. This will NOT mark the invoice as delivered.


Click Print to download a PDF file of the invoice to your documents. This will mark the invoice as delivered.


Click Deliver to deliver the invoice Via Mail or Email. A box appears where you can choose between the two delivery methods.

Mark as Delivered

Click Mark as Delivered to mark the invoice as delivered. This will not deliver the invoice.

If the invoice has already been delivered, this box appears:


Click Preview to download a PDF file of the invoice.


Click Print to download a PDF file of the invoice.


Click Redeliver to redeliver the invoice Via Mail or Email. A box appears where you can choose between the two delivery methods.

$ Pay It
Note: This is only for credit card and eCheck transactions.

To pay the invoice click Pay It in the upper right corner. This opens the payment page where you can follow steps 2 through 6 of Paying an Invoice to complete the payment.

Paying an Invoice

1. Pay It

From the Customer Manager Page, click Pay It to the right of the invoice you want to pay.

This brings you to the payment page showing all the customer's open invoices.

2. Payment Amount

The payment amount defaults to the full amount of the invoice you selected.  You can override this amount and pay additional invoices for this customer by entering dollar amount(s) in the blue box(es) to the right of the invoice(s).

3. Payment info

Complete the fields for payment information.

Pay By

To make a payment without an invoice, for example, unapplied cash, click the On Account box. Otherwise, leave the By Invoice checkbox selected.

Transaction Date

Select the day you would like the transaction to be processed.

Note: If you wish to submit this payment in the future, the Forte payment submit box in Automation Settings needs to be checked.

Email Receipt

Select this checkbox if you would like to email a payment receipt to the customer.


Include a description of the payment, for example, payment. This is a required field.

4. Select Payment Method

Complete the fields in the Select Payment Method section.

Credit Card/eCheck

Choose the customer's payment method by selecting the Credit Card checkbox or the eCheck checkbox. Select the credit card or eCheck to be used from the dropdown box. If you need to add a new credit card or eCheck, click the + CC or +EC button to the right of the dropdown box, enter the required fields, and click Save in the upper right corner.

Late Fee

If this customer accrued any late fees, the late fee amount is added to the payment amount. You can override the late fees by inputting a new value.

5. Total Payment Amount

This is the total amount the customer will be paying when you submit the payment to Forte.

6. Submit Payment

Click Submit Payment in the upper right corner of the page to submit the transaction.