Starting a Shift

A shift is your container for the day. Tasks occurs within a Shift one at a time, but Tasks do not need to run during a shift. Tasks are used for activities that you want to keep track of individually.. 

Select Home on the left hand column.

Select New Shift

Select the drop down button to the right of Shift Pay Code and select the Pay Code. Only the Pay Codes that are assigned to the User are displayed.

If you want to start a task at the same time as a shift seclect the Start Task checkbox.

Then select the Pay Code for the Task by selecting the drop down to the right of Shift Pay Code.

Next select the Start Shift & Task button.

The Shift and Task have been started. The timer with the  green background tshows an up to date record of the current shift.  The Shift Code and Shift Start date and time are also displayed.