New Customer: Site Tab

Customer Site

A customer site is the address of the physical location of your customer. Normally, this is where the security system is as well.

Fill out the fields on the Customer Site page. This address may or may not be the same as the bill to address on the Customer tab you just completed. Additional sites can be added once you finish creating the customer.

Use Customer Address

Select this checkbox if the site address (the physical location of the system) is the same as the bill to address you entered. Selecting this box duplicates the information from the Name and Address fields from the previous tab to the Site Name and Address fields on this page.

Site Number

Assign a site number to the site. What you choose to enter in the site number field is up to you.

Site Name/Address

If you did not check the “Use Customer Address” box, input the site name and address.


Input the phone number and email address associated with the site if applicable.

Sales Tax

Sales tax is linked to the site address.  Select your tax rate from the dropdown box. You can set up sales tax in the setup.

Tax Exempt

If this is a tax-exempt customer, enter the customer’s tax-exempt number in this field.

Note: If any text is entered in this field including a "space", the site will never be charged tax on any services or items.

Site Since

Site since date is how long the site has been in place.

Warranty Labor/Parts

If you are an alarm dealer who sells systems, you will not necessarily enter a warranty at the site level, as this will be more applicable to the system rather than the site. Leave this section blank if it is not applicable. You can enter a warranty linked to the system on the next tab.

Warranty Start Date

If you have a warranty at the site level, input the warranty start date here.

Service Level

If you are an alarm dealer who sells systems, you will not necessarily link a service level to a site, this will also be more applicable to a system. Leave this field blank if it is not applicable.


If you have any notes you would like to add about this customer site type them here. These notes are kept internal.


Click Next to begin entering system information for this customer. This does not apply to master customers.


If you wish to finish this customer without putting any system information or Recurring Monthly Revenue information, click Submit. (You can add these later.)