
Accessing Vendors Page

To access a list of your vendors at the dealer level, Click "Vendors" in the upper left corner of the page.

The dealer-level vendor page will appear

New Vendor

To add a new vendor click "Add Vendor" in the upper right corner of the page (hyperlink to new vendor)

Vendor Details Page

Click the blue "Name" hyperlink on the left side of the page to open the vendor details page.  This page will give you detailed information about this vendor (hyperlink to vendor details page):

Add/Remove Column Headers

To add or remove column headers click the "Available Columns" button. A small sorting box will appear beneath the column headings.  Scroll to the "Columns" field with your mouse.  You will see a list of column headings you can sort by.  Check the boxes to the left the column heading(s) you would like to add and uncheck boxes to remove headings.


Click the arrow next to a column heading you want to sort by.  Click "Ascending" or Descending"  to sort customers by that category in ascending or descending order.  Scroll your mouse over "Filter" and  fill out fields to narrow results in that catergory.

Group By Column Heading

If you wish to group vendors by column header(s), click and drag the column header you wish to sort by to the row above

Vendors will be grouped according to the header(s) you have selected

Custom Grid Layout

If you would like to save a customized sorting layout click "Custom Grid Layouts".  Type in what you would like to name the layout and click "Save Global Layout".  The layout will save in its current format.  To reopen a saved custom layout, select an existing layout from the dropdown box and click "Apply Global Layout".

Export to Excel

To export your vendor list in it's current layout, click "Export to Excel".  

The vendor list will download as an Excel file to your documents.