
Create and manage profiles for your employees. 

Adding a New Employee

1. New Employee

Click the “New Employee” tab in the upper right corner of the page. If the employee will be logging in and using AlarmBIller, add them as a User in the Users tab first, then come back to the Employees tab and add them as an Employee.

2. Complete Fields

Complete necessary fields.

First Name

Last Name



Cell Phone

Enable Text Notifications

For your technician to receive text notifications regarding work order appointments fill out the “Cell Phone” and “Carrier” fields.  Then check off the “Enable Text Notifications” box.

Linked User

Link this employee to his/her “User” account by selecting his/her name from the dropdown box. DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP.

Emp Number

Enter the employees identification number.

Employee Since

Enter the date the employee began working at your company.

Job Title

Enter the employee's job title.


Enter a brief description of the employee's job.


If you check the “Technician” box, this employee’s name will appear in the drop down tab when assigning a work order.


If you check the “Salesperson” box this employee’s name will appear in the drop down tab when assigning that salesperson to a proposal.

*Note: An employee can be both a salesperson and a technician if desired.


To inactivate the employee check the “Inactive” box.


You can choose to upload a picture of the employee if you would like.  Press the “Select Files…” button to choose a photo to upload.  This picture will appear in emailed appointments to your customers.

4. Saving Employee

Click the “Save” box in the top right corner of the screen to update.