Adding a New Vendor

To begin adding a new vendor, click "Vendors" in the upper left corner of the page.

Add New Vendor

Click "Add Vendor" on the upper right side of the page.

Fill out Fields

Fill Out Fields in the Add Vendor page that appears.

Vendor Number

 AlarmBiller will automatically create a new customer number in increments of one.


Enter the vendors name

Payable To

Enter the formal company or vendor name you would like payments to be addressed to.


Enter a memo you would like to appear on payments?

Ref. Number

Enter the account number the vendor uses to idenfy you.

Web Page

Enter the vendor's web page address


enter when your payments to the vendor are due relative to the invoice date.

Mailing Address

Enter the vendor's mailing address

Remittance Address

Enter the address the vendor accepts paymentts from


Enter the vendor phone and email information as needed.


Enter internal  comments about the vendor.


Click "Save" in the upper right corner to continue.

The Vendor Details Page will appear
