Setting up an Employee

Adding a New Employee

All of your employees of your company that receive a pay check should be setup as Employee. Not all Employees will be sute up as Users. If you want the employee to clock in and clock out you will also need to set them up as a User. Select Setup in the left hand column and then Employees/

Then you will select New Employee.

The following screen will show:

Enter information for the Employee in the left hand column.

Note: As of 6/1/2016 there are no text notifications set to be sent.

Employee information in the right hand column.

Linked User

If the Employee is also a User of Time & Attendance, the Linked User field should be associated with the Employee's User. The drop down arrow will show current users who are not linked to an Employee. If you have not created a User for the Employee you can come back to the Employee record after creating one.

Employee Number

The number your payroll provider uses to identify the Employee.

Employee Since

Date Employee was hired.

Job Title

Job title of the Employee.


Additional description, if desired.





Date the employee left or was terminated from the company.


Click on Select Files .. to upload a picture of the employee.

SedonaOffice Tech

Pay Group

Select the Pay Group that the employee is a part of.


If an Employee receives a salary select the Salary checkbox, the Salary Code and enter the Yearly Salary.

When all the fields have been completed click on Save in the upper right hand corner.

There will be a notification in the upper right hand corner of the window showing that the Employee was succesfully added. And the view will revert to the Employee listing.

The Employee will now show in the Employees listing.