
This tab provides information about bills you receive from this vendor.

Add Bill

Click "Add Bill" on the right side of the page.

Complete Fields

Complete the fields in the "Add Bill" page that appears.


Select the vendor linked to the bill from the dropdown box.

Purchase Order

Select the purchase order linked this the bill from the dropdown box if applicable.

Resolve PO

Check "Resolve PO" if you would like to mark the purchase order as resolved after creating this bill.  You will no longer be able to edit the purchase order if you check this box. 

Ref. Number

Enter the invoice number on the bill.


Select when the payment is due relative to the invoice date. (hyperlink to adding terms setup)

Bill Date

Enter the invoice date listed on the bill.

Due Date

Enter when the bill is due.  This field will be prepopulated based on what you entered in the "Term" field.

Total Amount

Enter the Total amount due on the bill. This amount must equal the green number listed in the "Total" box below.

Items & Parts Tabs

Add which Items and Parts are included in the bill in the corresponding tabs. If this bill is linked to a purchase order, these tabs will be pre-populated by the items and parts that were added to the PO. The same steps apply for items and parts.

a. Include

Only applicable if this bill is linked to a purchase order.  Uncheck the box to the left of any items you would like to exclude from the bill.

b. Add Items

Click "Add items".

 An "Add Items" page will appear. Check the boxes to the left of the items you would like add to the bill  When you are done adding items, click "Add Items" in the bottom right corner.

*Note: If you need to add new items are parts go to (hyperlink to items and parts setup table).

c. Edit Fields

Once you have added items, edit fields by clicking the space beneath each heading. You can edit all fields aside from "Item Code". hyperlink to items/parts field meanings).

Memo Tab

If you would like to add a memo to the bill enter one here.


Click "Save" in the upper right corner to continue.

The Bill Details Page Will Appear (hyperlink to bill details)

Bill Details Page

Use the Bill Details page to view and edit bill information.  Access this page by clicking the blue "Number" hyperlink to the left of the bill you would like to view.


If you would like to edit bill dashboard fields, items, and/or parts click "Edit" in the upper right corner and follow the Add Bill steps (hyperlink).


Click "GL" to view the general ledger entry linked to this bill. hyperlink to GL


If you have paid part or all of the bill and would like to record the payment, click "Pay" in the upper right corner. complete payment fields (hyperlink to  adding a payment).  

*Note: Once a payment or credit has been applied to a bill, that bill can no longer be edited.

Applied Payments

Any payment(s) applied to the bill will be listed in the Applied Payments tab.  To view payment details click the blue "Number" hyperlink to the left of the payment (hyperlink to payments).

Applied Credits

Any credit(s) applied to the bill will appear in the applied credits tab.  To view credit details click the blue "Number" hyperlink to the left of the credit (hyperlink to credits). to unapply a credit, click "Unapply" to the right of the credit.