Cancelling A Customer

How do I delete a Customer?

This is a process that is essentially the reverse of the original flow of AlarmBiller.  You will need to cancel any RMR; inactivate any systems; inactivate any sites; and then you can terminate the customer.  (You will also need to get rid of any balances on the customer's account before terminating the customer, which you can find more information on by clicking here)

Step 1, cancel the RMR:

Open up the RMR by going to the customer manager's page; going to the RMR tab; and then opening the RMR:

Click the edit button:

Click the 'Cancel RMR' button:

Type the Cancellation Date, which should be the date just before the 'next invoice date' so that your customer will not get another invoice from this RMR.  Also, pick a recurring reason for this cancellation.  You can create these in the setup under recurring reasons.

Step 2, inactivate any Systems:

To inactivate a system, go to the customer's page; then go to the Sites/Sys tab; and then open the system.  (When there is more than one site, click the black arrow to the left of the site to then see the systems that are under that site.)

Click the edit button:

Lastly, select the Inactive checkbox, and click save to inactivate the system:

Step 3, inactivate the Sites:

To inactivate the site, go to the customer's page; go to the Sites/Sys tab; and open the site:

Click edit button:

Select the Inactive checkbox, and click save:

Step 4, terminate the customer:

The last step in the process is 'Terminating' the customer. To do this, go to the customer's page and click edit in the upper right:

Change the status of the customer to terminated and click save button: