Run Payroll

When it is time to run Payroll the following order should be followed:

1. Employee Approval

The Employee approves the Pay Period if the company has it set up in preferences. The Employee may make changes up until the Manager approves.

Click here for article on Employee Approval.

2. Manager Approval

The Manager approves the Pay Preiod, which locks everything down for the Pay Period.

Click here for article on Manager Approval.

3. Export to Payroll

The Export to Payroll creates an Excel file with the Payroll information.

The Export file will download to your browser's deafult folder or prompt you to save the document. The file will be name PayrollExport _MM-DD-YYYY.xls

To attach the export to a Pay Group select Setup - Pay Groups

Select the Pay Group that the Export was for:

Select the Docs tab and click on the Upload Files button and upload the Export file.