Notes and Pay Codes

Notes and Pay Codes are not unlocked until you Save the information for a new employee. To setup the Pay Codes for an employee select the edit bottom on the far right of the employee record.

The Notes and Pay Codes tab will be close at the bottom of the page.


To add a new note select the Notes tab and Add Notes. 

Enter the following information:


Text describing the reason for the note.





Date and time that the note expires.

Pay Codes

Add Pay Code to Employee

To add a new pay code select the Pay Code tab and Add Pay Codes.

.Select the the Pay Code by selecting the drop down next to Pay Code.

The default values for Hourly Rate, Static rate, Payable and Allow Overtime will all populate. If you want to change these values you may do so.

Default Pay Code

The select the default Pay Code for an employee please check the defauly box when editing the Pay Code. There can only be one Default Pay Code per Employee.

When complete select the Checkmark to save.

Pay Codes may also be edited and deleted for each Employee.