Recurring Work Order
If you would like to set up recurring work order appointments select "Recurring Work Order" from the dropdown box in the "Type" field.
Fill Out Fields
Fill out the appointment title
Select the date and time the appoitment is starting
Select the date and time the appointment is ending
All Day Event
If you check this box, the technician's entire day will be blocked out as busy on the calendar.
If you would like the work order to recur, select the repetition frequency from the dropdown box. A series of fields will appear.
Repeat Every
Select how frequently you would like this event to repeat. For example if you select weekly in the repeat field, then choose to repeat every 2 weeks, the meeting be scheduled every other week.
Repeat On
Select which day you would like the event to repeat. This does not apply to daily events.
Select if you would like this event to end after a certain number of occurrences or after a certain date.
Create Appointment Based Recurring Work Order.
CHECK THIS BOX. You will be creating a new recurring work order based on this appointment.
Select the customer you would like to link this appointment to.
Select the site you would like to link this appointment to.
Select the customer system you would like to link this appointment to (if applicable).
Enter a description of the recurring appointment.
Enter a tecnician for this appointment.
Check this box if you would like AlarmBiller to automatically notify attendees if appointments are changed.
Click "Save" in the bottom right corner to continue.
New Recurring Work Order
This will take you to the page for the new recurring work order you created. Many of these fields will be prepopulated based on what you entered in the calendar fields but can be overridden. Click "Save" in the upper right corner to continue.
The will take you to the recurring work order details page. Click "Calendar" on the top of the screen to go back to the calendar. Your recurring work order will appear at the date and time you scheduled it highlighted in yellow.
Generate Work Order for a Recurrring Work Order Appointment
To create a work order (that you can turn into an invoice) for a recurring work order appointment, double click on the recurring work order appointment an click "Edit Current Occurence".
Gererate Work Order
Click "Generate Work Order" at the top of the page.
Click "Ok" on the confirmation prompt that appears.
Notification Confirmation
Select if you would like to notify the technician (by email and text message), the customer (by email), both, or neither of the appointment being generated.
Work Order Details
The work order details page for this newly generated work order will appear.