New Customer: System Tab

Customer System

The system for a customer is the actual security system itself or what you install on the customer's premises. (EX: Fire alarm, burglar alarm, CCTV, etc.)

Fill out the fields on the Customer System tab. Additional systems can be added once you finish creating the customer.

Create System?

Select this checkbox to create a system for this customer. You will normally want to select this checkbox.

System Number

Input the system number in this field. The system number many of our dealers use is the central station ID number, which is the unique id number your central station provides you for each system. The reason behind this is that it is a good way to differentiate between systems and it also provides the option to be able to search through systems by this number.

System Type

Select the system type from the dropdown box. System Types can be created within the setup.

Panel Type

Select the panel type from the dropdown box. This is a required field.  Panel types are created within the setup, under the parts list.  Create a panel just like you would create a part, but at the end of the creation task pane, select the checkbox for panel.  Some security systems do not have panels, and for these, you will want to create a panel in the parts list labeled as 'No Panel' so that you can still select something for this required field.  

If you have further questions about panels, feel free to contact support or put in a support ticket.

Panel Location

Enter where the panel is located.

Warranty Labor/Parts

Select the warranty for parts and labor if applicable.

Warranty Start Date

Enter the date you would like the warranties for parts and labor to begin.

Service Level

Select a service level for this system from the dropdown box. These can be created within the setup.  More information can be found in the service level article.

Central Station

Select the central station from the dropdown box. These will be created within the setup. More information can be found in the central station article.

Account Number

The Account Number field should be the exact CSID that is assigned to this particular system. If this field is kept blank, this central station will read the System Number.


Click Next to enter recurring information for the customer.


Click Submit to create the customer. (You can enter recurring information later.)