Pay Period

Pay Periods

The following fields show in the Pay Periods tab: Start Date, Close Date, Days in Pay Period, Pay Date, Approved Date, Approved By, Export Date and Exported By. Only the Pay Date may be edited by selecting the edit button on the far right. Information shown is for the selected Pay Group only.

Pay Period Detail

Click on the Start Date to see the Pay Period Detail.

Select the drop down area to view another Pay Period.

Four tabs appear: Pay Code Summary, Employee Pay Slip, Employee TimeSheet, Employee Pay Code Summary. Each tab has the ability to Export to Excel except for the Employee TimeSheet. To export to Excel look for Export to Excel button.

Pay Code Summary

The Pay Code Summary tab provides a report of the Pay Codes that were used in the Pay Period by the entire company.

Employee Pay Slip

The Employee Pay Slip tab shows the hours that each employee worked for the Pay Period and their Total Pay for the period.

Select the arrow to the left on an employee to see their detail.

Employee TimeSheet

The Employee TimeSheet tab displays a list of Employees and their shift detail.

Select the arrow to the left of a grouping to filter from Employee to Work Week to Shift(s).

Employee Pay Code Summary

The Employee Pay Code Summary Tab show a report of the Pay Codes used by an Employee during a specificed Pay Code. Use the arrow to the left of an Employee to see their Pay Code detail.