
This tab provides a list of checks you have used to make payments to this vendor.

Add Check

Click "Add Check"  to record a check you made a payment with. This is not common please consult an accountant before doing so.

Complete Fields

Comlete the fields om the "Enter Check" page that appears.

Check Number

Enter the check number.


?????? Enter the address you sent the check to.


If applicable, select the vendor you sent the check to.


Enter the payee name the check is addressed to.

Check Date

Enter the date you sent the check.


Enter the check amount


Enter a memo.

Add GL Entry

Click "Add Entry" on the right side of the page to add a general ledger entry linked to the check.  If you have any questions please consult your accountant.

Complete Fields

Click the blank space beneath each heading to edit entry fields.


Select the general ledger account you would like to add this entry to from the dropdown box.


Add a description of the the entry.


Enter the entry amount.

*Note: The check "Amount" field must equal the GL entry amount(s).

Save Check

Click "Save Check" in the upper right corner to finish.

The Check Details Page will appear.

Check Details Page

Use the check details page to view information about a check.  To access this page click the blue "Check Number" hyperlink to the left of the check.

The check details page will appear


To print check information click the print icon in the upper right corner.

A "Print Check" page will appear


Click "Preview" to download a pdf of check information to your documents for previewing purposes.


Click "Print" to download a pdf of check information to you  documents for viewing and printing purposes.


Click "Remittance" to download a Remittance Advice pdf to your documents which you can send to the vendor.

Vendor Payment

If this check is linked to a vendor, Click "Vendor Payment" in the upper right corner to view the payment details linked to the check (hyperlink to payment details).