
Editing Preferences

Complete fields to customize your AlarmBiller preferences.

Company Logo

Upload your company logo by clicking “Select files…” in the upper left corner and choosing the corresponding file from your documents. A preview of the logo will appear below. This logo will appear on the AlarmBiller login page. Contact us directly if you need assistance uploading or re-sizing your logo.

*Note: The logo must meet size requirements to download to AlarmBiller.

Site Theme

Select the default background color theme your other users will see when they use AlarmBiller if you have not already selected one for them. Users can change their default site theme by editing their "My Account" settings within AlarmBiller.

Customer Portal Preferences

Your customers have the ability to log into AlarmBiller’s Customer Portal where they can make payments online, update their credit card or eCheck information, view their payment history, submit a work order request, and update their contact information.

Allow Portal

By checking “Allow Portal” you allow your customers to have access to AlarmBiller’s Customer Portal. When you select this option, a memo with your URL will be added to any invoices you create, indicating to the customer to use the URL to log in to pay their bill online.

Portal Title

If you would like, you can enter a custom title to your Customer Portal. An example input for this field might be “ABC Customer Login Page”.

Hide Logo

Check this box if you want to remove the AlarmBiller logo and branding from the login page of the Customer Portal.

QuickBooks Preferences

AlarmBiller now offers complete accounting functions. You no longer need to use QuickBooks to run your financials. But if you decide to manage your receivables through AlarmBiller and payables through Quickbooks you will need to export your receivables into Quickbooks. Please review our QuickBooks Document, (In the QuickBooks tab in the Setup table, or in our website, AlarmBiller.Net, under the Resources tab, then Documents), before attempting any exporting.

Invoice Logo

Upload a logo that will appear on invoices to customers by clicking "Select files..." and selecting the corresponding file from your documents.

Report Logo

Upload a logo that will appear on your reports by clicking "Select files.." and choosing the corresponding file from your documents.

Print Address/Phone

Click the “Print Address” or “Print Phone” boxes if you want your business’s address and/or phone number to be printed on your invoices. If your logos already have the address or phone number printed on them, do not check these boxes.

Lock Preferences

By selecting “Enable Locks” you will prevent multiple people from editing the same page on AlarmBiller at the same time. For example, if you are logged in and editing a particular customer and another user attempts to edit that same customer, that other user will be locked out of editing that page until you finish.

*Note: Through enabling this function two people can edit AlarmBiller at the same time, they just cannot edit the same page simultaneously.


click the “save” button in the upper right corner to update.