
This tab provides information about payments you have made to this vendor.

Add Payment

To record a payment you have made to a vendor click "Add Payment" on the right side of the page.

Complete Fields

Complete the fields in the add payment page that appears.


Select the vendor you made the payment to from the dropdown box.  Any open bills from that vendor will appear in the "Open Bills" section below.

Bank Account

Select the bank account you used to make the payment from the dropdown box.

Check Number

Enter the check number you used to make the payment


Enter the date you made the payment

Total Amount

Enter the total amount you paid.  This will automatically prepopulate based on  the values you enter in "Apply Amount" unless you override it.

Apply Amount

Select which Bill(s) you are paying by entering the dollar amount(s) in the blue box(es) to the right of the bills.  You can pay multiple bills at once if you wish.  

*Note: The total in "Apply Amount" must equal the "Total Amount Field".


Click "Save" in the upper right corner to continue. Once you save a payment it cannot be edited.

The Payment Details Page will appear

Payment Details Page

You can view detailed information about a payment in the Payment Details Page.   Access this page by clicking the blue "Number" hyperlink to the left of the payment.

The Payment Details Page will appear.


The dashboard gives an overview of information about the payment.  Click the blue hyperlinks to visit the corresponding  details page.

View Check

Click "View Check" to view details about the check you used for the payment. (hyperlink to check details)


Click "GL" to view the general ledger entry linked to this payment. (hyperlink to gl)


The bill(s) that the payment was applied to is listed below the dashboard.  To view detailed information, click the blue "Bill" hyperlink to the left of the bill.