
Adding a New User

First, go to setup, and then in the top right click 'user'. Click 'add user' and then fill out the respective information and click save:

User Role

This field determines what this user can see and do within AlarmBiller. You can select what you want this user to be able to view and edit by choosing one of our preset roles ("Administrator", "Manager", "User", "Technician", or "Salesperson") or you can choose “Custom” to select exactly what you want to allow the user to access yourself.  Scroll down to “User Security Permissions” to view and customize what the user has access to.  If you add or remove permissions from any of our default user roles, it becomes a Custom role:

Administrator has the rights to view and edit everything specified under “User Security Permissions”.

Manager has the rights to everything but the “Set Up” page.

Technician can view their own calendar and can also create, edit, and update their work orders.

Salesperson can create new customers, create proposals, and also view their own calendar. By default, they can only view their own proposals.


Choose a password for this User’s AlarmBiller account. Click on the question mark next to the password field to see the security requirements that must be met.

Note: this is a temporary password. All users will reset their passwords upon their first login.

Default Login

This field is for a feature to be used in a future enhancement.

Site Theme

This adjusts the background color theme this user will see when using AlarmBiller. We recommend selecting “Default” for our regular template design.


To make the user inactive, select the “Inactive” checkbox.

Saving a User

To save click the “Save” box in the top right corner of the page.