
Parts are tangible products in your inventory you would install for customers.

Adding a New Part

Click “Create Part” at the top of the page.

Complete Fields

Complete the fields in the “Edit” box that appears.

Part Code

Enter a unique part code. This could be a model number or abbreviation. The limit is 25 characters for this field.


Enter a part description. Customers will see this description on proposals, work orders, and invoices. This limit is 50 characters for this field.


Select the manufacturer of this part from the dropdown box. (See Manufacturers)


These fields provide you with an easy way to categorize parts for searching purposes. Choose a “Category” from the dropdown box then choose a “Sub-Category” to sort further. (See Categories)


If you would like to add a picture of the part click “Select Files…” and choose the corresponding file from your documents.

GL Account

Each part needs to be linked to a GL account. For further information please contact your accountant.

Default Rate

Input the amount you are charging customers for the part. This amount can be overridden on proposals, work orders, or invoices. Enter “0” if the default rate is $0.


Check this box if the part is taxable.

Cost Amount

Input the purchase cost of the part.


Systems entered into AlarmBiller are required to have a panel. Check this box if the part you are adding is a panel.

Note: if you’re adding a camera system which would not have a panel create a separate part 
(for example a DVR) as a panel.


Click update in the bottom right corner to save.

Parts Uploader

You can also upload a parts list. (See Uploading Information to AlarmBiller)

Note: The “Parts Uploader” spreadsheet will not update any existing parts you have already entered into AlarmBiller.
For example, if you have already input item 123, AlarmBiller won’t duplicate or update the part when uploaded.