
Select Home on the far left navigation and then select the Appointments button.

The calendar will open up and appear the same way it does in AlarmBiller.

Click on appointment to dispatch. The Dispatch and Arrival codes deafult to the pay codes in Time & Attendance - Setup - Preferences. 

Note: in order for the codes to default the Employee must have those Pay Codes added in their profile.

Select the Now button to the right of dispatch and then Save.

The Work Order turns to blue for Dispatch.

Time & Attendance starts a new Task. If a Shift had not yet been started, it will also start a Shift.

When the technician has arrived they go back to Appointment and select the Now button next to Arrival. The Dispatch, Arrival and Departure times are also in AlarmBiller.

Note: for the time being if a technician enter Dispatch, Arrival or Departure in AlarmBiller it is not sent to Time & Attendance. For the time being do those activities in Time & Attendance. Two way functionality will be added.