Purchase Orders Tab

A purchase order is a vehicle for alotting funds to pay for a future invoice.  Use this tab to view and manage purchase orders for this vendor.

New Purchase Order

To add a new purchase order click "Add Purchase Order" on the right side of the page.

Complete Fields

Complete the fields in the Add Purchase Order Page that appears.


Select the vendor linked to this purchase order from the dropdown box

Order Date

Enter the date you will be placing this order with the vendor.

PO Number

AlarmBulle will automatically generate a unique  purchase order number in increments of one.


If applicable, select which shipping method you will be using to receive this order from the dropdown box.

Shipping Date

Enter the shipping date

Tracking #

Once order has shipped, enter the the tracking number.

Items & Parts Tabs

To add items and/or parts you will be ordering from the vendor click on the respective tabs and complete the following steps.  The same steps apply for parts and items:

a. Add Items

Click "Add items".

 An "Add Items" page will appear. Check the boxes to the left of the items you would like add to the work order.  When you are done adding items, click "Add Items" in the bottom right corner.

*Note: IF you need to add new items are parts go to (hyperlink to items and parts setup table).

b. Edit Fields

Once you have added items, edit fields by clicking the space beneath each heading. You can edit all fields aside from "Item Code". hyperlink to items/parts field meanings).

Memo Tab

If you would like to add a memo to your purchase order, enter one here.


Click "Save" in the upper right corner to continue.

The Purchase Order Details Page will appear.

Purchase Order Details

Use the purchase order details page to view and edit purchase order information.  Access the purchase order details page by clicking the blue "PO Numer" hyperlink to the right of the purchase order you would like to view.

The PO Details Page will apppear


Click the print/email icon in the upper right corner to preview, print, or deliver the purchase order.

A Print/Deliver Page will appear. 

To download a pdf if the purchase order to your documents for previewing or printing purposes, click "Preview" or "Print" .  To email the purchase order, enter the email address you would like to send it to and click "Email".


To edit the purchase order dashboard fields, items, and/or parts  click "Edit" in the upper right corner.  (hyperlink to adding new po)

Bills Tab

When you receive bill(s) from the vendor for the items and/or parts in the purchase order you can add bill information in this tab.  To view bill details click the blue "Ref. Number" hyperlink to the left of the bill (bill details hyperlink) .  To add a new Bill click "Add Bill" in the upper right corner (hyperlink to adding bills)


Enter the receipts for the purchase order items/parts you receive (hyperlink to receipts).