
Show All Credits

To see all credits including those that have already been applied, check the "Show All Credits" box on the right side of the page.

Adding and Applying a New Credit

1. New Credit

Click "New Credit" in the right side of the page.

2. Complete Fields

Complete the fields for this credit.  Some of these fields will be pre-populated.

Credit Number

AlarmBiller will automatically generate a unique number in increments of one.

PO Number

Enter the purchase order number here if applicable.

Credit Date

Enter the date that will be listed on the credit.

Credit Reason

Select credit reason from the dropdown box (hyperlink?).

Customer Site

Select the site you would like to link this credit to.

Sales Tax

Select tax for this invoice.  This will adjust automatically when you choose the customer site but you can override this by selecting a different value from the dropdown box.


Select the customer's salesperson from the dropdown box (hyperlink).

Delivery Method

This field defaults to the delivery method selected in the customer manager page but can be overridden using the dropdown box.

3. Credit Items/Parts

To add items/parts to credit, click on the respective tabs and complete the following steps.  The same steps apply for parts and items.

a. Add Items

Click "Add Items" . An "Add Credits" page will appear.  Check the boxes on the left side of the items you would like to credit.  If you would like to create a new item, select "Create Item" in the upper right corner, complete the fields in the "New Item" page that appears (hyperlinks to new items/parts fields), and press save in the bottom right corner.  When you are done adding items, click "Add Items" in the bottom right corner.

b. Sort

To sort the order you would like items to appear on the credit, use the arrows to the left of the item you would like to move.

c. Assign to Site

Items will automatically be assigned to the site you designated in the "Customer Site" field in step 2.  To assign an item to a different site,  select the linking icon to the right of the item you are re-assigning, select the site from the dropdown box, and press "Assign" in the bottom right corner.

4. Memo

If you would like to add a memo to this credit, click the memo tab and input your message.  This memo WILL appear on the credit.

5. Save and Deliver

Click "Save and Deliver" in the upper right corner of the page to deliver the credit now.  The credit will be delivered by the method selected in the "Delivery Method" field.

*Note: If the delivery method is set to "Print" the credit will not automatically download a pdf at this time.  You can print the credit through the Credit Details Page (see Print/Deliver in the Credit Details Page Section Below).

6. Save

If you select "Save", the credit will be saved but not delivered.

After completing step 5. or 6. the "Apply Credit Page" will appear showing all the customer's open invoices.

7. Apply Amount

Apply the credit by entering the amount in the blue box to the right of the invoice you wish to apply it to.  You can also apply the credit to multiple invoices by entering values to multiple invoices that add to the credit's amount.

8. Apply

Click "Apply" to apply the credit.

Applying an Existing Credit

To apply an exising credit from the Customer Manager Page, click "Apply" to the right of the credit you wish to apply on the customer manager page.  Then follow steps 7-8 of "Adding and Applying a New Credit".

Credit Details Page

From the Customer Manager Page, click the blue "Credit  #" hyperlink to the left of the credit to view the Credit Details Page.

A dashboard of information about the credit will appear


Click "Edit" in the upper right corner of the page to edit the credit  Change desired fields (hyperlink create a new manual invoice) and click save in the upper right corner to update.


Click "GL" To view the general ledger entry for this credit??? hyperlink


to print or deliver the invoice, click the print/deliver icon in the upper right corner of the page:

An Invoice/Credit Delivery Options Box will appear.

If the credit has not been delivered  this box will appear:


Click "Preview" to download a pdf of the credit  to your  documents. This will NOT mark the credit as delivered.


Click "Print" to download a pdf of the credit to your documents.  This will mark the credit as delivered.


Click "Deliver" to deliver the credit Via Mail or Email.  A box will appear where you can choose between the two delivery methods.  hyperlink to delivery methods

Mark as Delivered

Click "Mark as Delivered" to mark the credit as delivered.  This will not deliver the credit.

If the credit has already been delivered this box will appear:


Click "Preview" to download a pdf of the credit to your  documents.


Click "Print" to download a pdf of the credit to your documents.  


Click "Redeliver" to redeliver the credit Via Mail or Email.  A box will appear where you can choose between the two delivery methods.


To apply this credit to an invoice, click "Apply" in the upper right corner of the page.  Then follow steps 7-8 of "Adding and Applying a New Credit".