Inventory Workflow


Auditing Physical Inventory
The Inventory feature allows you to audit the physical inventory in a warehouse.  You c an’t  perform  a physical inventory  audit  that happened before accounting lockdown date or before the last scheduled physical inventory dat...
Managing a Warehouse
Create a new warehouse to house your parts.  Create as many warehouses as you need if you store your parts in multiple physical locations.  A warehouse can also be a truck that hold parts.           ...
Managing Parts
The Inventory feature will come preloaded with any parts you already have added in your AlarmBiller software.   The parts table shows a complete list of the parts in all warehouses .   For example, the q uantity column  reflects ...
Purchase Orders
Navigate to the Vendors section under the accounting dropdown to  create new purchase orders.   Complete   the required information , add parts to order, adjust  the quantity of parts as needed  ( quantity  default...
Work Orders
Navigate to the  Customers  section under the accounting dropdown to create new  work  orders.    Add parts, items,  and  RMR to  the work order .   A djust the quantit ies or rates  as you select parts...