Accounting Setup

Complete your accounting information in this section of the Setup Table


Bank Accounts
A unique feature in AlarmBiller is your ability to create up to three bank accounts. Adding a New Bank Account 1. Add Bank Account Click “Add Bank Account” in the upper right corner of the screen. 2. Required Fields/Save Fill out the r...
Credit Card Types
Specify which credit cards you will accept from customers. Editing Credit Card Preferences Edit Click “Edit” on the right side of the screen next to the credit card you would like to edit. Is Accepted Select the checkbox if you wish to accep...
GL Accounts
The GL tab shows you a list of your GL Accounts. You can change them if you would like but you should contact your accountant before doing so. 1. Editing a GL Account Click on the pencil icon on the right side of the page next to the GL acco...
Sales Tax
Adding Sales Tax To begin, click "Add Sales Tax" in the upper left corner of the page. Complete Fields Complete sales tax fields. Tax Code This code can be an abbreviation or a code given to you by your tax agency. *Note: create a tax co...
Statement Rules
In AlarmBiller, a statement is a past-due notice.  This section will help you manage statements and late fees. Editing Statement Rules Options Edit the fields in the "Options" section. Charge Late Fee/Annual Interest Rate Select the checkbox...
A term refers to when a payment is due relative to the invoice date.  Examples include “due on receipt”, “net 30”, and “net 15”. Adding a Term Add Term/Term Code To add a term click “Add Term” on the upper left side of the page.   Complete Fi...