Other Setup

Other Setup information to complete.


Create authorities such as police, EMS, and fire to link to a customer's zones. Adding an Authority Click “Add Authority” in the upper left corner of the page. Type the authority’s name state, county, city, and phone number(s) in the correspon...
Central Stations
Add Central Stations to link to your systems.  This is a required field when you create a new system. Note: There are some pre-populated Central Stations listed here when you begin using AlarmBiller. Feel free to delete any that do not apply (“Del...
Credit Reasons
Create a list of Credit Reasons to select that describe why you issued a credit to a customer's account. This is an optional field when creating a credit. Adding a Credit Reason Click “Add Credit Reason” in the upper left corner of the page. N...
Customer Types
Create “Customer Types” to be used for reporting purposes. Assigning a customer type is a required field when adding a new customer. Adding a new Customer Type Click “Add Customer Type” in the upper left corner of the page. Name Input a name ...
Document Types
Add Document Types to describe your “Attachments”. This is a listing of any types of documents you can add to your customer's page or use as an attachment. Adding a Document Type Click “Add Document Type” in the upper left corner of the page. ...
Recurring Reasons
Create Recurring Reasons to explain why you are adding, or canceling, a recurring item. This is a required field when creating a recurring item for a customer. Adding a Recurring Reason Click “Add Recurring Reason” in the upper left corner of the ...
Signal Types
Create a listing of signal types associated with the zones entered in a customer's system page. Adding a Signal Type Click “Add Signal Type” in the upper left corner of the page. Code Add a code to identify the signal type. This can be an abb...
System Types
Create System Types to be used for reporting purposes and assigning.  System Types are also a required field when adding a new system. Adding a New System Type Click “Add System Type” in the upper left corner of the page. Name Type a name to ...